Saturday, December 28, 2013

catching up.

As usual, I've fallen behind on posting. So here's a compilation of all the outfits I never got around to posting...

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

one sweater. three ways.

This is what I wore to a wedding last weekend. I've never been to a wedding that wasn't during the warmer months. So I played a little dress up and put this look together. 

The same day of the wedding I had a photoshoot. I had about 10 mins to get from the park to the church so I needed a quick change. Same sweater but with jeans and my new scarf which was a gift from my cousin. 

Last but not least. I got the skirt on sale the night before and I couldn't wait to wear it. The scarf was a last minute decision because it was FREEZING cold outside. Not to mention I liked my hair and makeup a lot that day too. 

Friday, November 8, 2013


Some of you may know that I'm an independent beauty consultant with Mary Kay. I recently placed an order and since I get my makeup half off I decided to get some red lipstick just for fun. 

I think I like it the most because I feel like Taylor Swift when I wear it. 

I really love this outfit. I don't know what it is about it. I just do. It's one of my favorites. And it was a good hair day so that's always a plus. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

long time no see

Hey! With all the excitement (or whatever you wanna call it) on my regular blog I haven't posted on this one in a long time! I didn't completely forget though. I've still been taking some pictures here and there. I just get side tracked and don't post them. But here's a few of them! 
And as a bonus, I'll throw one in of my hair. I tried to make it look fuller since it's usually so flat. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

taste of sunday.

sundays are my day to wear outfits. with my job I wake up at 5 most mornings and ain't nobody got time to look nice that early. plus i have to wear a uniform. that makes it difficult too. but here's what i wore the past two sundays. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

a taste of holland.

a few weeks ago i went to holland on a missions trip with my church. i wore more cute outfits than just these two but I didn't get great photos in them so we'll stick with these...

how bout one more? just for fun. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


What I wore to church Sunday. Featuring my adorable niece, Haley. When I took the picture, she looked at the flowers and said "they're soooo pretty!" After church John and I spent the day with her and had so much fun. I love having so many nieces and nephews in John's family.